You are such a kind person. Thank you for taking the time to comment on your earlier feedback. The question you raised is key to understanding enlightenment, I think. There is a puzzle and enigma there for sure. Intellectually I can follow what you are saying. But there is also the "feel of it" at an existential, here-and-now level, that is missing. The slapping-your-forehead moment, so to speak... Some say that moment(s) arrives as a result of "grace." Some say it all depends on your past lives. Others have other "explanations." But some people get it and others don't, for reasons equally mysterious in both cases. Ego is a construct. I'm aware of that. But what's there without the go (and its endless addictions) is what I'm not sure about. I will watch the video for sure. I feel lucky for reading your words. Thank you.