William, you again did make a number of good points worth pondering over. Very stimulating indeed.
This is what I find curious: the government on numerous occasions admitted that they have tons of information on observations that have already been made by tons of other observers, correct? So who cares whether there is an “official government” acceptance or not? Why are we this sensitive about whether the government is hiding things or not — especially when we are 100% sure that that is the case? I mean, what else do we expect a government to reveal? To reveal something that is NOT trivial, something we have not heard before, correct?
But at that point, we go back exactly to the same paradox I was trying to point at: no matter how many pieces of information a government reveals it will be never satisfactory for us civilians because it will be either redundant info (we already knew about it and they are too late to join the band) or it will not be something that we expected — even though we cannot define what that missing something is! Because if we knew what that something is, then it wouldn't be hidden at all. Then it would be public info by definition. So we have to admit that what we think the government is hiding is not known by us as well.
At that point, my mind goes back to square one of the paradox: how to prove that government is hiding something (not redundant or trivial) but something consequential and globally important when we cannot tell what that is? This prevents us from telling what the “end game” (the final mind-blowing revelation) will ever look like either since we are all after something crucial and hidden that we can never define.
Perhaps I’m missing something in my logic but I have to admit that my mind is currently caught up in this paradox of “things that are hidden and withheld that we cannot even begin to define.”
It’s like I tell you that I am travelling to a great city no one ever visited before but unfortunately I can tell you neither the name or the coordinates or anything else about this city. And by the same token, even if you suggest thousands of city names and coordinates to me, it will be none of them because I myself also don't know where I’m going. Also, even if by chance you happen to hit on the right city name and coordinates, it’ll completely pass me by because I myself don’t know where I’m going. It’s all the same paradox of the impossibility of verifying the hidden identity of what cannot be identified which ceases to be hidden by definition and becomes public info the second it is identified.