Bruno, for me the Apollo 11 case is another "Argument from Authority" case -- we believe in the astronauts because they are "authority" figures. Who wouldn't believe an astronauts, correct? It might be perhaps unpatriotic to do so :-) But I haven't seen what the astronauts say they saw. I have no way of testing whether what they saw was an UFO or not. So my skepticism is not easily removed when a famous person says "I saw it." I need more than that since I do not trust authority, just like you don't. So it's a bit perhaps ironic that you believe in what an astronaut says he saw even though you also seem to be distrustful of official statements. I can't understand such selective trust in authority without actual evidence.
The BLUE BOOK story is an old one that I am familiar with. The conversion story has been around for decades. Again, an "authority" says he saw something or he believes in something, and that's where the thread stops. As usual, there is no evidence that we can all examine together in public. At that point the so-called "testimony" devolves into just another kind of hearsay. It's frustrating how these threads usually end up in believing in a famous person. You say "that one is easy to guess" and you are right on the mark -- all we can do at this point is guessing, which is I'm sorry to say not sufficient for me.