All the items you've listed could of course be true. It is possible that they are true, like billions of other things in life about which we don't know much about. However, deep in my mind, I believe they are all rationalizations of the kind of behavior that we cannot accept when it's committed by a loved one. We always try to "explain away" what is contradictory and not pleasant or convenient when it comes to those people that we care about the most, isn't it? I respect your views but I will continue to rely on my own mind and believe in what I see and hear plainly, which is -- addiction is not a choice. Addiction is addiction and I can't see how an "enlightened master" would continue to smoke cigarettes and thus even encourage his followers that it's okay to smoke as long as they are "not attached" to the body, whatever that means. I'll also never understand the concept of "imperfect enlightenment" as you seem to be suggesting. Sorry, I'm not that flexible a thinker.