A writer since eternity. I always loved reading books. So I ended up designing books for a living. Worked as a Desk Top Publisher and technical writer for over 30 years.

Live in the United States with roots in Turkey. Translation: I travel a lot back and forth between continents.

Studied electrical engineering and sociology in college. I love technology and ideas. Lately I'm drawn to history, archeology, with continuing fascination with making money online :-)

I try to be fair and kind in life, I really do. Results are probably questionable, depending on whose point of view you use.

Another thing I try to be is (not just "informed" but) knowledgeable. My ignorance in many topics drives me crazy. It also drives me to learn more every day.

Writing is my habit, therapy, and the way I engage with the world. My laptop is an extension of myself.

I'm open to questions if you have any.

Medium member since August 2020
Connect with Ugur Akinci
Ugur Akinci

Ugur Akinci

Book Author

Award-winning Fortune 100 writer. Father. Husband. Brother. Friend. Still learning.